Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Am I Talking.....Love? -___-

Kata Bu As, cinta itu nggak memiliki. Munafik. Setiap orang pasti ingin memiliki dan dimiliki. Entahlah, Dee emang bener. Nggak ada satu pun quote, dari siapa pun yang bisa mendefinisikan tentang cinta. Mendekati pun nggak. Yang jelas, it can not be seen by anything but heart. Klise, sejak kapan hati punya mata? Oke ralat, it can only be felt by heart.

Satu-satunya what-people-usually-say-about-love yang aku percaya cuma, love is unpredictable. Terlalu banyak kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang awalnya impossible turns to possible. Peluang pun nggak segampang itu bisa dihitung pakai rumus P= n(A) : n(S). So, I learn to expect nothing from love.
I may say the best feeling ever is when you are in love. I wouldn't know what to say, it just feels like doing roller-coaster game. Your heart can not stop its beat, then you are afraid that you'll fall down if you're on the top, at the same time you're happy because it's just full of fun, we are going to scream out loud of what we feel, and when we are done, all we're gonna do is play it again again and again. Addicted, kalau mau pakai bahasa kerennya.
Buuuuuut....I may also say that the worst feeling ever is when you are already fallin with one person...and that person is already fallin in with another girl. How could a love hurt this bad? Pepole who do one-sided-love, only learn to dream, wish and hope. It just makes a circle-cycle, fallin in-hopin-hopeless-forgetting-fallin in-hopin- and so on.
Okay, let's make some conclusions. First of all, don't fall in love. We know that there's just too much to lose. Actually, it depends on how breaf you are of taking the risk. Second, remember it, love is unpredictable. So, just expect nothing from love. And last but not the least, where does love bring us? Believe it, anywhere it goes, just follow. Because everything happens for a reason. So does love, behind the worse one, there are always the better and the best part.

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