Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Story Between Us part II

What is the most tired thing to do? Hoping! Especially when you have no idea about his feeling. It seems like he will never ever let me in. Is it his fault? No, it is totally my fault. Doing nothing is what I do. Just seeing him at a  distance, watching him pass by, looking his photos on my friend's laptop, reading his tweets every single night, smiling to his reflection, sitting by the moon, hey what am I really doing? Sometimes I can feel it while you are watching me, or is it just my imagination? I don't know and I'll never know.

I always envy, with anyone who can talk to you easily, with anyone who is mentioned by you, with anyone who can text you whenever they like, with anyone who can make you laugh, with anyone who is seen by your eyes. And the saddest thing is knowing that I can't be that lucky person. Oh you didn't even notice me huh, right?

Fallin in love with you, is the most foolish thing I ever did. And I keep wondering why I can't keep my eyes off of you. Everytime I wannna say, Stop he's untouchable, I'm not suitable, Just forget him, He's too far, but in the end it doesn't work and what I am afraid will happen, I'm fallin in love with you, all over again.

Those are the most tired, most foolish, saddest things happened in my life. I've been wasted my time for that but yaah I'm invisible so no one wanna see. And you know what? It's because of you. My hopes and expectations are filling my day. Stupid me, I just wanna let him go, why is that so hard?

I like you, just from the first sight, and until now it still feels like the first time. Can it change? I wish.

See the part I ..

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